Monday, August 1, 2011

Friends With Benefits, Godly Dating, and All That Boundry Stuff

I should call this entry "What I would have written to you if I had taken the time to collect my thoughts and spent two hours writing them out."  You have heard me say some of these things to you in our small group discussions before, and none of you actually disagreed (much).  You girls are now all in college, surrounded by influences that contrast God's Word and Will for your lives so I think it is time to hear this again.

The author is Lauren Lankford, and this was published by Relevant.   The direct link to the article is here, but to ensure that it never goes missing I am simply going to cut and paste the article right here.  I'll post some talking points tomorrow.

The Friends with Benefits Epidemic

It's not just in the movies. How have we convinced ourselves to bend the rules of intimacy?
Friendships and sex have been around since the beginning of time, but it’s our generation that puts them into the same phrase—and the same bedroom. From high school hallways to movie theater screens, “friends with benefits” is sold to us as a new combination as simple, acceptable and wonderful as mac-and-cheese.

No one wakes up and decides sex is just sex, or making out is just making out. No one wakes up and announces over coffee, "Today, I'm going to fall head over heels in love with someone I'd never marry." I didn't.

I remember being a freshman in high school, believing heart and soul that I would wait for marriage to have sex. I'd never kissed a boy, and I didn't plan on it until I was engaged. Fast-forward four or five years, and I've made out for fun, for comfort, for love and for revenge. Fast-forward another two or three years, and I'm sleeping with someone I'm not even dating.

Why does it happen? Because we are broken people. And because God created sex and physical affection as a phenomenal part of what is meant to heal us: intimate, committed love with another human being. But when we don't know how our body and heart work, we tend to do long-term damage to ourselves instead of long-term good.
Bending the Rules
Your desire for sex is proof that God loves you. Your physical draw to another human being is proof that God created you to want to experience unparalleled intimacy in a way that reflects His desire for intimacy with us. God designed sex and the acts and attitudes preceding it to access aspects of your heart, soul, body and mind that could not be accessed any other way.

The problem is that we forget (or ignore) the passion-filled, healing, love-reflecting, life-giving purpose for intimacy. All we know are the rules. Maybe there are some rules you won’t violate; maybe you’ve committed to abstaining from sex outside of marriage. But there are still a number of other “benefits” you may convince yourself it’s OK to relinquish. When we don't recognize the purpose for something, the rules sometimes aren't enough.

"Your first perfect boyfriend broke your heart. You weren't supposed to take your physical relationship that far, but you did; now you might as well take it that far again. You deserve to have some innocent fun. Cuddling as 'friends' isn't wrong; it won't go anywhere. You didn’t go all the way. Everyone has sex before marriage, and everyone ends up married and happy in the end. You need to experience everything before you settle down."

This is what I took myself through. This is how I convinced myself it was fine to "just have fun," and how I got addicted to men I could neither commit to nor leave. There are a number of other reasons that people will justify casual intimacy, physical or otherwise; none of them are an excuse.

Our bodies are created to start bonding within 20 seconds. Your body can’t tell the difference between cuddling with your boyfriend and cuddling with a friend while watching a movie. Your heart can’t tell the difference between sharing intimate secrets with the sexy new friend or your spouse. Trust, attachment and intimacy build with or without our permission. This is why it’s so incredibly important to set physical and emotional boundaries before we get into something it hurts to get out of.

Create your own specific rules to help yourself keep the big rules: Do you get lonely at night? Safeguard your heart by having a plan that keeps you from opening up emotionally or physically when you’re “at risk.” Give people permission to ask you the personal questions and keep you accountable to yourself. Sit down with yourself and write out what’s OK for you (not what's OK or acceptable to your peers). Don’t dwell on your mistakes, but use what you learn from them in the future. And don’t be afraid to communicate what’s permissible and what’s not with any potential love interest—real friends protect you, not compromise your standards.
The Ties that Bind
Your entire life is the story of God's plan to show you His definition of crazy, unconditional love. Those who marry will find marriage is one of God's primary tools for this. God knew it was not good for man to be alone. God knew we needed a physical way to experience the heartbeat of Himself. So He gave us each other—another human being to commit to and love no matter what. An image of God's passion for His children, an expression of Jesus' love for His bride.

Sex is some of the greatest glue for marriage—and the enemy has every intention of attacking your marriage before it even starts. If he can twist, harm or destroy your marriage, he knows he does the same for your picture of God's unconditional love and commitment to you. Furthermore, friends with benefits also deteriorates the value of your other relationships. Single or married, God intends for you to have trustworthy, iron-sharpens-iron friendships untainted by cheap affection or half-hearted romance.
Not only is sex the perfect image of intimacy, passion and desire, it triggers the release of chemicals that train your body to remember what feels good, and how to get it again. Dopamine is a natural drug that gets you high. This is what keeps you going back again. Drugs like methamphetamine access dopamine to achieve the same effect. Your body begins such a bond just with cuddling, kissing, and everything between there and “real” sex. Oxytocin is dopamine’s partner, the emotional binding agent that teaches you to trust and reduces fear.

However, dopamine and oxytocin don’t play fair. They don’t care if it’s just for fun, if it’s "just this one night" or if the person you’re going home with is going to be around next week. They don’t care if it’s make-up sex, breakup sex or all-the-way sex. They don’t care if you just “mess around,” or if you go all the way. They’re going to feed your addiction, commitment or not.
Love Is Sacrificial, not Selfish
Consider the repercussions of programming your body to trust someone you shouldn’t—to be vulnerable with someone you know will cause pain in the withdrawal phase.

You were created for hot, passionate sex. You were created to be connected to one person, without ever going through withdrawal. You were created for whole, healthy friendships—unscarred by broken or inappropriate intimacy.

But more than that, you were created to experience unconditional, committed love. When we compromise emotional and physical intimacy before commitment (whether or not we intend to), we sabotage ourselves. And it hurts. Badly. Either now, later or both.

The myth of friends with benefits programs us to believe intimacy doesn’t last, love is selfish, desire exists for you and only matters in the right now. But God’s definition of love is always sacrificial—and will always be around.

*** You can follow up with this directly from her blog...***

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Deep Look at 1st Corinthians 16:30, Day 3

New International Version:
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

Be Courageous, Be Strong
If you have read this part of 1st Cor. 16:13 in other translations, you might have been startled to see it written as "act like men."  I've read that the Greek for the first direction above is decidedly masculine, not in that it excludes women but in the sense that it is calling us to a manly action.  Like warriors: be brave, be courageous!   We are not to fear the enemy because we stand with God the Creator of all things!

The fourth command is to “be strong.” Strength here is defined as spiritual maturity.  Just as we are standing firm in faith, we are to be strong in that faith.   

When you were a baby, you enjoyed toys like rattles or something with lights.  As you grew you became interested in other toys, LEGOS or Barbies.  As a teenager, you are now interested technology, media, cars...  The point of this is we understand that a teenager still playing with rattles indicates something wrong with their maturity development.  This same principal applies to your faith. 

Why are so many Christians satisfied  with a spiritual maturity of a baby? Spiritual immaturity is what has weaken the Church.  A Barna Research Group statistic revealed that only 2% of students at Christian colleges are biblically literate, as determined by their answers to 10 basic foundational questions.  Questions like how to attain salvation, who is the Holy Spirit, does hell exist?   Only 2% could answer these correctly, and the answers are not complicated, they are laid out simply in the bible for us to read.  A child could recite these (in fact, my boys are learning this right now).  Babies can be fed with milk, you should crave spiritual steak!  Begin with the basics and move onward.  A strong and brave faith is a mature faith.  

1st Corinthians 14:20 says, "Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults."

Let's not confuse a mature faith and when we are called to have "faith like a child."  A child-like faith is a faith of wonder, and not questioning the ways and miracles of God, just accepting them.  A child-like faith is one not preoccupied with desires, dwelling on those things that tempt us. Rather, babies are preoccupied with having their needs met (as ours are met by God our Father).  A mature faith can be child-like in this way, but like a mature adult in how we study the word, and pursue God before other priorities. 

How is your faith child-like?

How is your faith spiritually mature?

What actions do you need to take to live out the directions "be brave, be strong?" 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Deep Look at 1st Corinthians 16:30, Day 2

New International Version:
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

Stand Firm in the Faith
This second direction concerns not only an action but the content referenced in that action. We have to be concerned about faith, what we believe. “The faith” is the contents of the Word of God. This faith is the faith of doctrinal content, it is the Truth of God. 

Colossians 2:6 says. " As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,  rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving."

Jude 3: " Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."

As we gather from these verses, we must know who we believe, what we believe, and  why we believe. The Christians life is not based on fairy tales, fiction, or feelings but upon a well-grounded faith.  We believe what we believe because God said it in His Word, and then He sent His Son to be His Word in flesh here on earth.  God blesses us with moments, miracles, experiences that shape our testimonies and help us to find reasons why to trust Him and believe His word, but these moments shouldn't drive our belief.  God's Word and  the gospel should drive our faith.  If you don't know WHY you believe the foundations of the faith, how can you hope to pass it along to others? 

There is nothing as broad as God but there is nothing as exclusive as God.  The Bible places such emphasis on the oneness of God because there is only ONE God, not many.  Defining and standing firm in our faith does not make us narrow-minded and ignorant, it frees us to accept those things that are beyond the realm of human possibility. 

If Christians do not develop an appetite for the Bible, they cannot develop into spiritually mature believers. Christians cannot live on spoonfuls of the Word; they need daily doses of spiritual nourishment.  Feeding our souls is of vital importance, just as feeding our bodies is vital.  

And it is upon the Bible that we are standing firm.  We are unwavering on our belief because His word, a biblical foundation is steady, sure, and unmovable.  This is why Christ Church has used this verse to define the parish through current trials (Come Stand With Us).  

Are you standing firm in the faith?

What changes could you make it your daily life to live out this direction?

How strong is your biblical foundation?

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Deep Look at 1st Corinthians 16:30, Day 1

Hey my ladies! I am sorry I haven't posted much in the last two weeks.  With VBS and continuing to restore the house I have been busy.  To make up for that I have a three day devotional for you.  Katie asked me to write some devo material for her youth camp next week, and I thought I would pass it along to you.  I did draw inspiration from a commentary, but I can't seem to find the source to direct you too, but if I do stumble across it I will post it as an edit.  

1st Corinthians 16:13--

New American Standard Version:
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 

The Message:
Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, be resolute.

New International Version:
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

King James Version:
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

Be on the alert
There are several quick, fast directions in this verse.  The first direction in Cor. 16:13 is to "be on the alert," which in short translates as "watch".  The New Testament uses "watch" 22 times, and different translations might use awake, be vigilant, watch. All carry the same meaning. The author, Paul, warned the Corinthian church about internal problems throughout 1st Corinthians.  He is telling them: this world is rife with spiritual danger, so be alert!  When the Christian lets his guard down, he puts himself in spiritual jeopardy.

God’s commands are not merely good advice and they are not meant be to optional for the Christian.  We are to stay alert, looking for the enemy, Satan, to tempt us and lead us into situations and actions that break God's heart.  We are to watch our hearts and minds and make sure our thoughts and desires are honoring to God, and not dwelling on sinful ambitions and desires.    

It does not take much for a believer to grow cold towards godly things.  There is little desire to fellowship with God’s people, read the Bible, or present ourselves to God in prayer when our hearts are not on fire for Christ. 

Read the following verses:  Matthew 26:41; Romans 13:11;  1 Corinthians 15:34; Ephesians 5:14; 1st Peter 5:8.

How do these verse enlighten your understanding the first directions given in 1 Cor. 16:13?

How is Satan described in these verses?

What actions do you think you have to take to live out the direction of "Be alert/ be on guard"?

Friday, July 15, 2011

How To Pray for a Future Spouse

“She is out there. My Cinderella. She is real. She exists. I pray for her constantly. May God satisfy the desires of her heart, draw her close, consume her. May He claim her passions, her identity, her refuge, her hopes, her strengths and weaknesses, every fiber of her being. May she treasure and cherish her Savior more than anything of this world and cling to His will with every ounce of her stamina. By all that she is, does, and strives to be, may He draw near to her and she to Him.”
- Adam Young (Owl City)

Girls, change the gender and pray for your future spouse.  Pray for yourself in this manner too.  How you live now will matter to your future self later, so weigh out your decisions carefully in the dating arena.  

Do not conform to the world in this area.  Our culture today has destroyed boundaries, and tried to convince us that no commitment and meaningless everything is what you actually want in a relationship, but broken hearted woman a few years older than you are now show us that these lies fade away to loneliness and discontent.  The truth is most of us are created for communion with a spouse that mirrors the church's communion with Christ, honoring Creator God.  You do not have to date a thousand people to understand what it is you like in a guy-- you simply need to look for a guy running hard and fast after Christ, and God will likely step in and reveal one that happens to enjoy similar tastes in music, books, etc.  Although I can tell you that Joey and I differ in about every way other than our faith and love for Christ and call to student ministry and God has stepped in and made this marriage work for His glory for 10 years now. 

If you are going to be worthy of the guy running hard and fast after Christ, you must be running the race well too.  Keep a steady pace, and date those who are running next to you.  Don't slow down to wait for a guy to catch up, he should be running alongside!  

So here are the verse for today, all keeping the in  RACE theme.  Run the race well, ladies.  

Hebrews 12

 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Vision of His Glory Conference Notes

I found this among my old facebook blogs, and I thought I would pass it along for you to hopefully gleam something from them.  Below the notes is the website for the author of the book Vision of His Glory.  A couple of years ago the Women of Christ Church hosted a one day conference using this book as a means to help teach us how to study the Bible and specifically  the book of Revelation.  If these notes intrigue you, I highly recommend ordering the book, which makes a great small group study.  

You are always on His mind, by name. You have always BEEN on His mind, by name. How can you feel unimportant?

God never spreads Himself thin-- He is fully with you, all the time as He is fully with me, all the time.

John was in exile on Patmos. What is your Patmos? Is it a hospital bed? Is it a workplace where you are the only Christian? Is it a small house with small children? Is it a new city? There are all different kinds of Patmos, aren't there? An it requires patience to live in the solitude of Patmos.

There are times when I think God is silent, but in reality He is speaking; I am just not listening.

What vision of Jesus are you mission because you are preoccupied with yourself, your problems, your pain, and your circumstances? In the midst of depression, turn around and see Jesus. Focus on Christ. When you focus on Christ, you are too preoccupied with Him to have time to think about your problems. 

Surrender is...
totally yielded. "I am available Lord without reservation. Anything. Everything. All for You."

When you are caught up by the entertainment of the church, by your business IN the church, by numbers, by success, by the world then you become ignorant of the condition of your own heart. 

Religion is not a substitute for a living, relationship with Jesus. 

Do not let pride keep you from coming to the foot of the cross to confess.

"Anne, I know you have little strength. In fact that's all a mother of three little children has. But my grace is sufficient for you." (pg 73-74)

Weakness makes us dependent, and God loves dependent, He can use that to His glory. Overcome the delusion of weakness (that the world sees as a fault). God is not weak, and He can take the weak and make them pillars of His Kingdom. 

What habit of sin are you tolerating in your life? what attitude of sin-- bitterness, selfishness, pride, resentment, anger, jealousy, unforgivenness-- are you nurturing instead of crucifying? 

Ask yourself: Are you on fire for Christ? WHY NOT?

What has interrupted your praise?

Ask yourself: Who is praising our Lord because you are praising Him?

Jesus is not an American God. There is no room in the church for racial prejudice. 

Do not mistake God's patience with tolerance. His gives us time to repent, and return to Him. 

One life lived with purpose, meaning, and truth can be a powerful witness to Christ--never underestimate what one life can do for His kingdom.

His name is the Word of God. 

One day...
No More Scars. No More Suffering. No More Separation. 

"Store up treasures in heaven"
Your treasures should be your children, your family. Those are what you want to see stored in heaven!

When you confess, NAME your sins outright, and claim responsibility for them. Ask to be washed, then live in the forgiveness He has already promised us, enjoy the forgiveness. The cross was sufficient for all of it. 

Do I allow God to be in control?

Have I focused on the hardships instead of the Christ?

Do I grieve like those without hope instead remembering the One with whom my hope is secure? (1 thess. 4:13)

Do I live in a way that testifies that I believe God is trustworthy and true? (Rev. 22: 6)

"The Vision of His Glory" by Anne Graham Lotz

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reject Apathy

So, for those of you who have not yet seen me nose in my favorite magazine, maybe you caught a glimpse of a copy I passed to Allie during our recent Bell Tour trip.  Relevant covers everything from music and media to social justice issues, and recently the cover article was asking if Rob Bell is a heretic.

Okay, so they have always covered justice issues (at home poverty, Invisible Children, etc) and challenged the Christian's responsibility to the world, environment, and neighbors near or far.  They have launched a new magazine with the sole intention of covering only this content and they call it Reject Apathy.  Apathetic is a key word used by so many of us old people about the younger generations, which could be a bit unfair because it is your generation using publications to spread messages like rejecting apathy.  This could be a great resource for you to gain a greater knowledge about Christ's call to minister to the weak, the needy, the orphans, those in desperate need of justice.

Nearly all of you, my girls, have attended multiple mission trips with the youth group or church, and have volunteered for various groups, projects, ministries in town.  Some of you already are heeding the call to be a responsible steward of the earth God created for us through recycling and green living.  I know your hearts are filled with compassion for those around you, and I have been blessed to have had a group that has so freely given to others.  So, this is not one of those "I -love-you-but-I-wish-you-were-more..."  kinda of blogs.

It is just I found Reject Apathy so amazing, so go peruse the first issue online at this link.

So, whatever you are doing tonight (whether you are in France, or at Katie's, or preparing to hang out with camp kids again tomorrow....I am praying for you and I love you dearly.  Good nite, ladies.  ;-)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making the Time for Prayer

This will be a quick one today.

I really don't have to go into all the reasons the next statement is true because I will see what you are all up to over Facebook and twitter in a few minutes.

We are BUSY being BUSY.  We, as in the world, the country, and us specifically.    We are busy, as in we have over scheduled lives, going non-stop from dawn till dusk and late into the night.  We are busy being busy with all those things that we have to or feel compelled to do every day.

So, here is my question for you girls: what are you producing in all that business?  I am not talking about papers and homework, or even the Bell Tour.  What about the other things that eat up the minutes of your day?  What do those activities produce?

At some point each one of you has given as excuse to me for why you don't have time to read your bible, or even to pray.  For some of you those excuses came along time ago (9th grade?) and for others it was a theme for senior year.

Somehow though, we always seem to find time for the things we truly hunger for like Facebook, movies, reading, La Berry, hair products, texting, etc etc etc.  I can hear some of you right now about how texting is quick and easy, or you really haven't had time for facebook lately, or if you don't have La Berry you Will.  Just.  Die.    ;-)

Here is today's lesson pure and simple: prayer is vital for a healthy faith and life in Christ.  You can always find time for a quick "text" to God, though I desire for you and myself to prioritize prayer to be the thing that we are busy doing at some extended point during your (my) day.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Geese & the Gospel

Hebrews 10:24 reads

"And let us consider how we may spur one another towards love and good deeds..."

I would like to think that this could be apart of a summary of your small group experience.  I have always felt you girls kept me on my toes and pushed me towards good deeds.  I certainly felt my heart grow in order to love you more and more, as Christ compelled me to do.

I attended Latechurch with Hallie at some point last year and one of the sermon illustrations for the night has stuck with me all this time.  The sermon series was about the Body of Christ (the church), and how we cannot go it, the faith journey, alone.  God calls us to fellowship and communion, which we saw modeled through Jesus' ministry on earth not only to the people, but his ministry with the twelve disciples and his relationship with His three closest men (Peter, James, and John).   The pastor that night used a flock of geese to represent the people of Christ.  At one point he gave this statistic: geese that migrate with a group are able to travel 79% further than the goose that flies alone.  Point: The community spurs on us, encourages us, strengthens us, and helps us succeed in our journey.

1 Corinthians 12: 12-18 reads:

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.  Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

  Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.  And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.  If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?  But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.

Here are the points I really hope you walk away with:

1- You cannot live faith alone.  Yes, your faith is a personal relationship with God the Father through Christ the Son, shaped by God the Holy Spirit.  You have the ability to connect one on one with the Creator of the world through prayer, through scripture, through worship.  However, just as God Himself models community through His triune nature, He created our very being to desire community and to function in whole when you are apart of His community.  Together we can fly further, like the geese mentioned above.  

2- When you depart from the community, you are still apart of the body.  What is departure from the community?  Not attending worship services and lack of involvement in bible study, a small group, mission, service, the life of the church.  When you don't attend church (where ever you are during your college adventures) God is still there, worship still happens.  However the community is missing a part of their body (whether you are the hand, the foot, the nostril), and you are mission the Body.    

3- Why are you still apart of the Body?  You became a part of the Body of Christ, and are now a smaller part of a much larger being.   As said in the passage above you are an important part of the body, no matter how you serve the body.  When you allow your prayer life, your habits, your walk with Christ to deteriorate you are allowing yourself to be unhealthy.  And because you are apart of the Body others might see the Body of Christ as unhealthy, sick.  You could also risk spreading this to other members of the Body.  This is where your connections to small group can really help you.  Keep yourself healthy, and tend to the others in need.  Encourage one another, raise each other up in prayer, and serve The Body of Christ well.

4- Embrace the part of the Body God has created you to be, and the ministry he has called you to join.  That's how you serve the Body well.

5- Geese are cool.

Love to you all, H

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Notes on Leadership

These are notes from CBS leadership training from last year.  I thought maybe one of you might gleam something from them.  
  • Focus on yourself first, because to make disciples, you must first be a disciple.
  • You cannot lead others where you have not been- you can not lead someone to have a better prayer life if you yourself are not in prayer.  You cannot encourage a daily quiet time if you do not have a daily quiet time. 
  • What we give to others must be an overflow of what God has given us.  
  • Contact work is more than a duty--it is the primary way to which you learn someone and grow the relationship.  
  • Jesus was sensitive to EVERY type of person- He was loving and did what others would not (woman caught in adultery); he took initiative in relationships (Zaccheus); He was unrushed, available, a great listener,a Truth speaker, and He tended their needs (the immediate physical and the spiritual).
  • If you love God, you will love His sheep.  If you do not love His sheep, then you lie when you say you love God.  (1st John 4:20-21)
  • Debbie Nash spoke about teaching Sunday School (I think?) to 7th graders and praying for patience.   She said what she should have prayed for was love.  "Only after loving those 7th graders did I develop patience with them."
  • The greatest joy a leader can have is seeing one *youth* minister to another; this is the fruit of your work as a leader. (I substituted youth in).  

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Censored Valedictorian's Address

A high school valedictorian in Vermont was censored by school administers  because his speech talked too much about the influence of Christ in his life.  Kyle Gearwar, was asked to change all parts referring to religion, God, Jesus, and the like.  He submitted to school authorities because "God calls us to do so," but instead of rewriting his speech, he just cut it out and only delivered half.  He did thank his youth group and pastors.  The full, unedited speech can be read at the link below.  Kyle is certainly not alone, as we read several stories like this every graduation season.  However, his speech is online so I have the ability to pass it along.  

I have always enjoyed that despite that you girls came from 6 different schools (Veritas, SCDS, SAA, St. Vint's, St. Andrew's, Kingdom Builders) you bonded and built a group of friends, and you never really experienced lunch in the caf or hallway hellos together.  This also means that we have attended TONS of graduation ceremonies over the last 2 springs.  I am thankful that several of you attended Christian schools that allowed God and Jesus to be mentioned, but I wish I could have seen a valedictorian address as honest and bold as this one.  (I am leaving out the experience of Liz's graduation, where Christ was clearly central to all 20 graduate speeches.  Awesome!)

Anyway, peruse the speech.  I want you to think about what you would have said if you were valedictorian.  Would you have been so bold?

Friday, June 17, 2011


I would like to introduce you girls to Jim, an artist using his gifts to glorify God.  Skripture-Sketches is his Tumblr and here he is sketching his way through the Bible, chapter by chapter.  Along with each sketch he includes the "Big Idea" themes for the chapter and where we can see Jesus in each of the Old Testament chapters.

I think this might be an excellent resource for some of you (like Hallie) who have decided to start reading through the Bible.  The Old Testament can be tough for some to read through because you have seemingly endless histories, and chapters made entirely this person gave birth to this person gave birth to this person........ You get the idea.  I wish I had spent more time teaching you to see Jesus in the Old Testament during our small group lessons, but I think Jim does an excellent job of this and you could learn some great truths in his writings.

To start in Genesis chapter 1, you'll need to skip back to atleast page 55 of his Tumblr (link below).

Jim is a long term missionary.  On his Tumbr he also answers questions and blogs about the country he is in.  He writes to his unknown future wife all the time.   He is very funny, but very much in love with Jesus.  He makes references to How I Meet Your Mother, Harry Potter, The Office, and has an uncanny resemblance to the prince in Tangled.

Love to all my small group girlies!

Edit: Okay, seriously he just posted a picture from Boy Meets World.  Katie and Desiree, you can thank me now.  I am waiting...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To my small group girls...

 I am excited to hear about all of your adventures through college and into adult life.  Please know that I will always make time to listen to you or offer wisdom if needed.  I promise to pray for you daily.  I promise not to judge or love you less if or when you make decisions that might disappoint me- I would rather hear about it from you and offer a shoulder, so please reach out.

Keep Christ first, and success and the rest will follow.  The habits you set in your first weeks of college tend to be the ones that you are still in the habit of doing by semester's end.  With this in mind, find a church quickly.  Find a small group or bible study group quickly.  Get out there and attend campus ministry events to seek out new friends that will encourage and uplift you.  Prioritize your work and studies, but never before your God.  People will know you for your actions more than your words, so live in a way that shouts to all around you that Christ is King of your heart.

And finally, know that this blog is intended solely for you.  I will update it at least once a week, pulling from other sources as well as my own heart hoping to offer something to bless you as much as you have blessed mine in the last 6 years.  We may be unable to meet weekly for small group, but I am making a commitment to continue to offer some small group wisdom.

I pray that God continues to knit our hearts together, I also pray you all continue to uplift and hold each other accountable despite the distance and busy college schedules.  I hope that we can get together for small group reunions as Sharon suggested, but even without that I know that you girls have created something deeper than friendship because you are apart of a forever family in Christ.

I will close with this today:

Romans 12:9-18
 9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

In HIS grip,